February 14, 2023



First very positive feedback

Following its creation in 2022, the WAFIB collective ( for "We are French Indie Brands" ) has already allowed its members to measure the power of pooling ideas, energies and means around a common objective, which is the promotion of the know-how of French brands and SMEs in beauty and well-being.

And the best is yet to come with many other gatherings planned ( or in preparation ) for 2023 and 2024.

Asset number 1 : Get to know each other, learn faster, and share the best tips. Indeed, despite the convenience of digital and online discussion groups, nothing is stronger for creating links and having in-depth discussions than a physical meeting between all the players in a sector, especially if these moments are shared in the emulation of a high-stakes trade show.

Asset number 2 : Create a real experience for visitors. It's difficult with a small budget to make your brand stand out in the sea of booths at a trade show, and even with a large budget, to create a differentiating experience for visitors. The creation of a collective stand, and the presence of all the founders of each brand, allows the visitor to make a small "tour of France" of independent brands, to live a moment of conviviality and to explore tracks that he might not have imagined a priori. A real breath of fresh air and inspiration that breaks the potential monotony of a series of traditional meetings at a trade show.

Asset number 3 : Sell more and sell better ! Already engaged in an export approach, or simply beginners in the field, the brands of the WAFIB collective have already won contracts in the four corners of the globe from Chile to Indonesia, through Europe (Italy, Germany, Armenia...) and Asia, particularly in Korea, China and Japan. And these distribution contracts have often been concluded with high-level distributors, which are usually not very accessible for young independent brands.

Asset number 4 : Going further in the union ... Other projects are being born from these meetings, notably on the subjects of distribution and a common offer, but shhhh, let's not go too far, and let's not spammy any project. The continuation in one of our next posts, in our newsletter and on the LinkedIn page of the collective here :

See you soon, and take care of yourself : life is beautiful!